Sunday, February 8, 2009

Tagged 9(Tagger Syeera)

1.Do u sleep wif your closet doors open or close?
-close lah..buat pa jua buka

2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?
-no..inda terfikir kan take

3. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
-ikut mood ku lah mcm mana ku mo

4. What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
-non...cause i like to watch once ja

5. Do you like to use post-it notes?
-nope..cause i always remember n jarang lupa

6. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
-i rather not be attacked by both of them

7.When, if ever, do you think it is okay to tell a lie?
-when my secret about to be found

8.If you could wake up tomorrow speaking a foreign language fluently, which would it be?
-Japan....u guys know wat r the reason right?

9. Do you like to sing in the shower?
-no..i like to talk than singing in the shower..who i talk to?...that is a secret

10. Do you have freckles?
-100% No

11. The smallest amount of money you have in your pocket?
-non..seluar ku time ne nda pocket

12. Which is the celebrity or actor you would want to date?
-sapa yg lawa bagi ku..a2 tah 2..haha

13. What is the one thing that you have done in your life that you would want to undo?
-i want to be

14.What would you do if your partner cheated on you?
-hahaha...i  will do something evil to him/her....hahaha

15. If you were granted three wishes from an angel or genie what would you want?
-i wish for infinity of wishes...haha...(banyak buleh ku wish kan..sampai mati pun inda bis...haha)

16. Would you rather work with your head or your hands?
-hands lah..lau head buleh tolong angkat barang is for thinking saja

who will u tag?
-i tag sapa saja lah yg mo or rajin buat tag ani

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