Genres: Action, Adventure, Historical, Seinen
Based on manga series BRAVE10 by Shimotsuki Kairi, serialised in Comic Flapper later in Comic Gene (both by Media Factory).
The story takes place during the Warring States period, approximately a year before the Battle of Sekigahara.
Kirigakure Saizou, a Iga Ninja in search of his life's path, comes across Isanami, an Izumo shrine maiden, being attacked by assassins. Isanami, who survived the burning of Izumo Temple by Tokugawa Ieyasu's forces, is traveling to Shinshuu to seek sanctuary with Sanada Yukimura.
At the same time, Sanada Yukimura is in the midst of gathering 10 men of extraordinary valor, the Sanada Ten Braves, whose strengths are able to alter the course of history. In the course of their continuous battles, the mysterious power hidden within Isanami will awaken...